I've been working on putting floral remembrance wreaths on the website today ready for Anzac Day on the 25th of April.
I understand the importance of paying tribute to our fallen heroes and for me its especially significant to keep the memories and stories alive.
My great Grandfather 'Popeye' was on that beach in Gallipoli that day, he survived and I'm so grateful I way able to know him.
I remember him in his arm chair, pulled out into the middle of the lounge room, with his woolen blanket over his lap and his pipe in his mouth 'hence Popeye'. Moving his chair would drive my grandma nuts and she would continually pull it back whenever he was up :).

When I make Anzac Day wreaths each year, I also think of his mother 'Elizabeth'. How she must have felt sending three sons off to war and only having one, my great-grand father return. How strong and brave she must have had to been.
'Popeye' called his daughter, 'Elizabeth' or 'Betty' after his mum, and guess what? I called my daughter "Beth" after her.
I hope the strength flows down through the generations :).
Does your work ever make you think of your ancestors?
To order a wreath or enquire about pricing please click the link