Our mission is to help you nurture meaningful connections with flowers 💝 .
Your most meaningful connection that needs constant attention is your marriage or life partner. Why? Unlike family, it didn't begin with unconditional love. It was conditional and it needs to make you feel safe, heard, loved and respected.
Yesterday Flowers for Jane your Florist near Frankston delivered a bouquet with the thoughtful message from a loving husband…. .
“Thanks for looking after the kids while I was away” .
Now that’s the way to show her you don’t take her for granted and so simple.
Why do I think I’m an expert on the topic? My life experience. I was married for 15 years before ending it. In marriage counselling I discovered I wasn’t the only one that felt like I was taken for granted.
The moral of the story. Tell your partner you appreciate them 💕
Order flowers with Flowers for Jane for delivery before 10am for same day delivery. Your marriage will thank you.